I am Sister Torie Inman and I have been called of God to serve as a full-time missionary for His church, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in the Arizona Tucson Mission.

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Sister Inman Letter - February 22, 2016

I'm baaaaaacccckkkkkk!

Hey there! I'm back in the field!

Well, this week has been interesting. I left the MTC on Monday morning, and then spend the night as Sister Orr's companion (she came out with me). Then in the morning, we drove to the Transfer site, and I got my stuff off the trailer, said goodbye to the sisters in my MTC district, then got on the transfer van to the Gila Valley. Long ride there. But I got to see some familiar faces! The departing missionaries, then Elder Dilworth, Deyarmond, Wyman, Garcia, and half of my district in SV! Pretty cool.

So my area covers Pima and Central. We live in Pima.

I am kind of distracted today, so I apologize if this email is kind of lame.  It is kind of weird to be back in the mission. It feels different. I am in a completely new area, new part of the mission, new companion, new district, zone, everything is new. I don't usually do well just being thrown into something completely new unless I catch onto the spirit of things quickly. But I do have a renewed desire to get out there and serve to the fullest. I have a greater determination to be obedient, diligent, and happy. I will be optimistic, I will work hard. I understand my purpose as a missionary SO much better, and with that understanding comes an increase in faith and the extra boost that I need to be successful and to find those whom the Lord has prepared. 

Anyway, so some experiences:

The first day, we met with a lady named Doreen. She is a new investigator, a little older, but she loves her Bible. The lesson started off kind of rough, as she had read the Plan of Salvation Pamphlet, and found some things that she did not agree with. So we went through those, and she complained that we like to reference the Book of Mormon more than the Bible. And that the pamphlet had 5 references to the Book of Mormon and only 4 to the Bible. Seriously. But As we started, I silently prayed for charity for this woman, that I would develop love for her in a way that I would be able to express the thoughts and message that God wanted me to tell her at the time. And I was. The Spirit was definitely present, and I could feel its power on all of our hearts. We were not very prepared for the lesson, as it was transfer day and I had just gotten to the area, but the Lord was merciful to me, and my companion. We seem to teach and work well together, things flow pretty well. But as the lesson went on, we were able to go through the whole Plan of Happiness, explain things clearly, and relate to what she already believes. Turns out she actually believes most of the things we believe, and she even used some phrases like "age of accountability" and agrees with some things that are not standard Christian doctrine. Are you sure you're not a member, lady? Anyway, as we continued to teach by the Spirit, you could physically see her countenance change. Her heart was softened before our very eyes. She was more receptive. And when we asked her what she thought, or if things made sense, she was like "yeah, I believe that. That makes sense." We invited her to pray to know if the things we taught were true, and how the only way we can find truth is by asking the person who knows all truth. The source of all truth, which is God Himself. And she said "Oh, I already know it's true. I already pray. But I will pray and ask Him if everything else is true." We gave her a few things to read, and she said she would read them, and to give her two weeks to study and pray about it. I am always hesitant to allow that much time between visits, but we are praying that the Spirit will continue to work on her.

Later, we had an appointment with a part-member family, and the wife has a baptismal date. But when we were leaving, their son Joseph, who is autistic, went to give each of us a hug. Remember on the movie Snow White, when she kisses each of the dwarves on their heads, and dopey runs to the back of the line to get another kiss on the head? Picture that, and it's essentially how Joseph was. He is dopey. Super innocent, sweet kid. But he gave us each a hug, and first puckered his lips to kiss Sister Charles, but then she's like nooo I'm a missionary! I'm sorry! But then he cam over and gave me a hug, and since he couldn't kiss my face, he found a spot on my arm and kissed my arm haha. That was the first time he had ever met me. And if you understand most autistic kids, they have to get a good vibe from you if you want them to get anywhere close to you. But he must have gotten a good vibe from me or felt the Spirit or something, because he easily warmed up to me on the first visit! Cool!

So my companion is Sister Charles. She and I are crazy similar in a lot of ways. Same likes, dislikes, hobbies and interests, struggles in life, similar way of thinking, thought processes, random, musically inclined, pet peeves, even similar stories of how we got to the point of going on a mission. She is from Kentucky, and is 23. She did 3 years at BYUI, and these are her last two transfers (I will probably be her last companion). She's the oldest of 5 kids. But yeah, that's her! :)

I feel like the Spirit has taught me a lot in the past few days. I feel like I am coming to understand myself more, and realize what the truly important things are in life. And that has helped me to prioritize, which is something I have always struggled with. But I know the Lord watches over me, and knows about every concern, prayer, and effort I make.

I don't have much else to say, but I love every one of you! I keep you in my thoughts and prayers. Have a great week!

Sister Inman

P.S. I live next door to a cemetery..... And it is just one family's personal graveyard of about 10 graves. At least they are together now! I try not to think about it too much. They're really friendly. The Rogers' are great :)

Gila Valley Temple

Tucson Temple with Dome

Monday, February 15, 2016

Sister Inman Letter - February 15, 2016

Honey, I'm home!

(We got to speak with Sister Inman on the phone this morning while she was at the airport, leaving the MTC. Was great to hear her voice!)

Hello family and friends!

I made it safely to my mission! What a neat thing. I flew from Salt Lake City to the Tucson Airport. It is so hot here, especially coming from tons of snow and the freezing cold. But in summary of my MTC experience, it was one of the best, spiritually uplifting, and edifying experiences of my life. The Spirit is so strong there, and everyone is friendly, happy, and ready to do the Lord's work.

I have learned so much. I understand my purpose so much more. I have come to understand just how much the Spirit plays a role in our teaching. It's actually quite the contrary. WE are the tools that the Spirit uses. Our whole purpose is to help others to increase their faith in Jesus Christ, whether it is a nonmember, less active, or active member, our job is to help strengthen others' faith in Jesus Christ and to help them receive the Restored Gospel through acting on that faith. I have come to love people more. I have noticed that when I study and prepare, and listen with love, I will be directed to know what to say and do, and the Spirit is more able to teach them, and me.
I have been able to feel genuine love and concern for people whom I just met. I have see Christ's Atonement work in every single life. The Atonement is very real. It can comfort the most depressed of souls, it can heal the deepest of wounds, and turn the nastiest of people into Saints. The Gospel changes lives.

"Don't let the mission change you, let the Savior Jesus Christ change you."

I have come to love my district so much. I already miss them. All of the Elders going to Texas, and the other three Sisters going to Philadelphia.

Last night, we were able to do somewhat of a farewell with our district. The Spirit was so strong...

We ended the night with our testimonies and final words to those of us leaving today, and some very nice things were said to us. We then sang "We'll bring the World His truth" together, and we all cried while singing, and it was such a powerful moment. We then said a heartfelt kneeling prayer together. And then we said our goodbyes and I was sobbing so hard. Like bad. But I got pictures with everyone. We all promised to keep in touch and send each other the pictures we took at the MTC, along with a group email for all of us :)

I have arrived safely to the mission with about 14 other missionaries! I received a warm welcome back from the Passey's. I also contacted two people on the plane, but was moved or they left before I could give them a card or get their information : / darn.

But anyway, thank you all for supporting me in this. I love all of you so much and pray for you often. I hope you have a great week :)

Oh and also, President told me where I was going. I am going to Pima, AZ (I figured I would go to the Gila Valley or Tucson, so I guessed part of it! I will be covering 4 wards.... Yes, four. But yeah! So I will stay the night with a local sister.

Sister Inman

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Sister Inman Letter - February 9, 2016

I LOVE the MTC!!!!! :D

Wow! This week has been such an incredible week. I have learned so much, and I have felt the Spirit more often and more strongly here than most other places. There is just the Spirit everywhere you go. You can tell the Lord has dedicated this campus for a wise purpose. I have the most incredible district ever, and I am so sad because we will only be together for 6 more days, and then we are all going our separate ways. We have three missions in our district. The Texas Fort Worth Mission, the Pennsylvania Philadelphia Mission, and the Arizona Tucson Mission. All of the Elders are going to Fort Worth, (sad) and three sisters going to Philly. (also sad). Then there are two other Sisters who are going to Tucson with me. 

SO, If you serve in Fort Worth, Texas, look out for the best Elders heading your way:
Elder Epperson, Elder Stanley, Elder Herod, and Elder Ball.

If you're serving in PHILLY, look out for these incredible sisters:
Sister Cragun, Sister Jensen, and Sister Prince.

The two that are coming with me are Sister Packer (My companion) and Sister Harrop! I'm super excited for these amazing missionaries to enter the field. I have learned so much here, even after the time I spent in the field already, and just looking at these Elders and Sisters, I am amazed by this rising generation and how much stronger they come out. The Gospel is true. It can change even the toughest of lives.

Some of my experiences this week! Sorry, this email will probably be kind of lame, because I have so many notes and little to report on without going super in depth to these spiritual insights I've been having. (The Spirit is oh so real. I have come to understand things way better than logic could ever teach me.) But here are a couple sentences to describe the week, but I promise, it's better than it seems haha.

Wednesday, Feb 3rd

I spent the night at President and Sister Passey's house, and in the morning, Sister Passey took me to the airport. I got to have Jake pick me up from the airport and take me to the MTC, which was nice, we went to lunch at Cafe Rio, and he dropped me off at the curb! My first day was really good. We had a class? I don't know if that's what you'd call it. Seminar? called People and Your Purpose. Essentially we focus on our purpose (like every class) but we taught an investigator the first night here. There was an investigator that came in and we, as a class, got to know them and tries to discern their needs and questions, etc. We learned how to fulfill our purpose by 1) Demonstrating Love for Them and 2)Inviting and Helping them come closer to Christ. What does so and so need to feel to gain conversion?

Thursday, Feb 4th

Studies in the same room as everybody is kind of distracting. Sometimes we have to find another room. Our district has some really good gospel conversations, but we get distracted pretty easily.

Friday, Feb 5th

A cool experience I had to today came when we were role playing how to invite investigators to pray with us, and receive answers through prayer. So, each of us took turns inviting, and took turns being the investigator. So I was invited, and I prayed as if I was the investigator, and it was different than any other prayer I have given. We played as ourselves, but when I prayed, and addressed Heavenly Father, I felt different. Do I really want to know if this is true? And I felt a very literal connection as I spoke with God. It was a really special, personal experience. When you put yourself in their shoes, things are a whole lot more meaningful. "We are Jesus Christ's investigator."
The MTC: "This is how God trains His missionaries".-President Thomas S. Monson

The Spirit was definitely present today. We sang "We'll Bring the World His Truth" as a district, and the Spirit was super strong.

We taught our new investigator Jordan tonight. we really had to listen to the Spirit. He is an atheist but just started thinking about God after his first son was born. We invited him to pray after we gave powerful testimonies of God's love for us (I started crying pretty bad when I testified that God loves him so much), I could just feel so much love for this man that I just met. 


Rough start, but like usual, we get over it and it turns out to be an incredible day.

Sunday: Mission Conference, Sacrament Meeting, Classes, and then a devotional with Jenny Oaks Baker (Elder Oaks' daughter) and it was really good!

Something she said that her dad, Elder Oaks, said to her: "I believe that true faith can only be in Jesus Christ, that we trust Him and whatever His will is. We cannot say we have faith that God will do what we want Him to do." (in response to "How can we have faith for someone to get better if it is all dependent upon God's will?")

Monday night we had a heart to heart testimony meeting on the fly with our district and the Spirit was so strong. I'm going to miss everyone. 

Some really good quotes from this week that were particularly powerful to me:

"We should not be simply dispensers of information. We must be offerers of salvation. There is a difference."

"MTC can also mean My Time with Christ if you make it that way."

"If we want our investigators to have spiritual experiences and receive answers through the Book of Mormon, we must too."

COOL INSIGHT: God rested on the 7th day. 7 means "Complete, Perfect, Whole, or Fullness" He promises us the fullness of the earth if we keep the Sabbath Day Holy. Therefore, when all was complete, (i.e. the creation or the end of the week), If we rest on this day, AFTER He created all things, He promises us the fullness of the earth and ALL of His creations! :)

"Deliberate: done after careful thought. Are we deliberate with our covenants? Including repentance and partaking of the sacrament?"

"It is not enough to simply help people get testimonies. If you are CONVERTED, I prophesy and promise that you will never fall away."- Elder Bednar

I was able to go to the temple today and do a session. I am so grateful, I missed the temple. It was SUCH a spiritual experience this time, and I had an incredible experience in the Celestial Room today. I learned and gained som much more this time. I love the temple so much, and got to go with my district.

Anyway, my MTC address is 
Sister Torie Camille Inman
2005 N 900 E Unit  39
Provo UT 84602
(You can do DearElder.com until Friday Morning)

But I will only be here till next Monday morning. I can probably call from the airport, but it will be super early in the morning, probably sometime between 7-8ish.

Anyway, I love you all! I hope you have a wonderful week, and next time I email, I will be in the mission! :)

I also have managed to not gain 15 pounds since I've gotten here. #accomplished ;)

Sister Inman

Our zone on our Sunday temple walk!
The Map

Map with Sister Packer
My companion and I at the temple!

The Elders in the zone
*shake my head*

The Sisters
Sisters Packer and Inman

Sisters Packer and Inman
Our district! Love them :)

L to R: Top Row, E. Stanley, Epperson, Ball, Herod
Bottom: S. Cragun, Harrop, Packer, me, Prince, and Jensen

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Sister Inman Letter - February 1, 2016 (posted a week late - sorry)

Whelp, HERE WE GO!

Man, this week has been something else. Nothing really worked out how we wanted it to, and our goals were completely thrown out the window. But you know, this week was a good week. (weird, huh?)
First off, here are some cool things I learned this week:
I was reading in the New Testament, in 2 Timothy 3:15-17. This is the chapter where Paul is talking about how perilous times shall come, and all of the wickedness that will be in the latter-days.Then, in the last part of the chapter, he talks about the scriptures, and how they can lead man to salvation. If we read the scriptures, and apply their principles and understand their doctrines, we can learn the things we need to learn to gain salvation. The holy scriptures "are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus." and then in the JST of verse 16, "And all scripture which is given by inspiration of God, is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness."

Then in  verse 17, I learned something new that clarified a question that we all have probably wondered about. "...that the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works." I looked at the footnote for perfect. And along with the word "complete" which we have learned it also means, were the words "suited" and "ready". This life is a probationary state. This life is the time set apart to prepare to meet God. We are here to become such people that can be better "suited" and "ready" for the kingdom of heaven. When Christ asks us to be perfect, substitute the word for suited. I would that ye should be suited, even as I, or your Father in Heaven is suited [for the Kingdom of God]. The people we become in this life can allow us to ready ourselves (perfect ourselves) so that we can be more suited to fit right in to the atmosphere and environment of the Celestial Kingdom. I don't know if that was a light bulb to anyone else, but it was for me!

Anyway, here was my week! (At least the good stuff)

Monday we had an awesome P-day! We had zone sports! (it worked out because we did exchanges that night, so we might as well do P-day together too). So we played a full game of volleyball with 6ish players on each team! It was super fun! Then after we finished the full game of volleyball, we played King of the Court. So there are 3 teams. Two teams on one side of the court, and one on the other. The team who makes a shot or catches the other team's failed shot runs over to the other side of the gym to play that team, and the game keeps going. it's pretty fun! :) I've never really been into sports, because I usually die before I can enjoy them, but it was really fun, I think I might turn out to like sports when I come back! We'll see :)

 After emailing, I met this lady in the bathroom. She looked really closely at my name tag, chuckled, then pushed her finger on it. Then she started to walk away. Completely confused and ready to defend myself and the church, I asked "What? What's so funny?" (not rudely, I was seriously wondering what was up with this lady). And she said "I'm from the Reorganized church." We sort of looked at each other for a while, as I'm sure we sort of knew what the other one was thinking. Then it sort of went like this:

I said, "Oh... that's cool..." ----"But we don't go around wearing a name tag." 

Me: Well, I am a missionary for the church! We don't all go around with name tags, I just do because I am a missionary. ----"Are you from around here? Local? Or from somewhere else?"

Me: Well I am actually from Arizona, just another part. ----"What part?"

Me: Surprise. ----"Oh, I know where that is. I had a student who served in Salt Lake City, and I said isn't that like giving ice to Eskimo's? But he said no, you'd actually be surprised how many non-members live there."

And blah blah blah. I've never actually met someone from the RLDS church. I've heard of them, but up until now, they were sort of non-existent in my mind . I wanted to ask so many questions, but I figured I shouldn't. Anyway.

We went to Brother Dixon's house. he is an old old man whose wife just died about a year ago. A total cowboy. But he has possibly the biggest heart I have ever heard of. We met his neighbor who had been struggling pretty bad, but he has been a good friend to her. At the end of our visit, he asked when transfers were/new companion. We said next week, Sister Inman is leaving. He seemed very sad. He just sat very quietly, and looked at the ground. Then he looked up, and said, "well, you know..." and then proceeded to say some of the kindest words to me and about me than I think anyone has ever said to me. He told us that even though he is bad with names, he prays for each of us specifically in his prayers every night. He told me that he can tell what kind of a person I am, and that I am extremely young to have the amount of compassion that I have. he told me that he knew that wherever I went, that I was going to be successful. That I will work hard, and that the Lord will direct me in the work. That He will bless me. He told me that I had a big heart, and that I had a lot of love to give. He told me that he enjoyed my prayers because I "do them right" so he says. He told me that he can tell I am an honest person (I believe that... he can spot a lie before you even tell it. He can see right through your soul and it's the scariest thing in the world). But as he continued to say these wonderful things to me, I just cried. I could just feel the love this man had for us, and I tried to stop crying, but said thank you. He said "See, this young lady right here is like me. Her spirit pours out through her eyes. And those aren't cold tears, they're warm ones. She doesn't cry cold tears." But anyway. he said if I don't work hard on my mission, he will come haunt me. I believe it. He told me to say to myself every day, "Quit horsin' around, and GET IT DONE!" He's a sweet man.

Oh, and Anna dropped us. And probably won't pick us up again. 

Great District meeting today! We were going to talk about Finding through members, but then the Spirit changed everything and Elder Judy felt strongly that we should start off talking about finding through Family History, and also how our ancestors can help us as missionaries. Man. That was awesome. We talked about the Spirit of Elijah. If you want to see a scripture reference of the Spirit of Elijah taking place, go to the Old Testament in 2 Kings 6. Read it for background, then focus on verses 15-17. "And when the servant of the man of God was risen early, and gone forth, behold, an host compassed the city both with horses and chariots. And his servant said unto him, Alas, my master! how shall we do? And he answered, Fear not: for they that be with us are more than they that be with them. And Elisha prayed, and said, Lord, I pray thee, open his eyes, that he may see. And the Lord opened the eyes of the young man; and he saw: and, behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire round about Elisha." In other words, the very hosts of heaven were round about Elisha, protecting them from the hosts of men on the earth. So often we feel alone when battling the horses and chariots of the adversary. And yet, we are not alone at all. If we take the time to do our family history, we can come closer to our ancestors, and even have their power literally round about us to protect us from the powers of men. We, as missionaries, can have the power of our ancestors to come with us and help us with every phase of the work. We simply cannot go through life alone. That is why we have both sides of the veil working together for the benefit of all. The Spirit was so strong when we were talking about these things, and it just made me want to find out more about my family's history. We then went as a district to the Family History Center and printed out our 4-generation pedigree chart, and we talked about how we can use family history as a finding tool, and we all committed to do so.

But anyway, not much else to report, but I am going to to MTC on Wednesday morning! Tomorrow night I will be spending the night at the Mission home, with Sister Passey as my companion. (Crazy!) Then she will take me to the airport bright and early on Wednesday morning. It will be a new experience, that's for sure! I'm super excited, but will probably have just as much of an idea of what's going on as any other new missionary there! It'll be good. Sister Adams will not have a companion while I am gone, so there is a mini-missionary that will be her companion! She has been called to Peru, but meanwhile, she might as well get some 'sperience! 

I'm not sure if there will be many pictures emailed home, because of how much of a hassle it is to take them from the camera to the computer. But we will see.

But for now, I will send you some pictures of the last couple weeks!
I have loved this area. I love the people here, I love the BEAUTIFUL atmosphere and tall mountains, and brownish yellow grass, and dead trees, and dirt roads that have infinity potholes and rocks, and the beautiful weather. It is actually SNOWING hardcore today. And it STUCK! I've been praying to have just one snow day. :) God answers prayers. Remember when Jesse prayed for snow in Surprise, and it did for just a little while but didn't even touch the ground? It works!

Anyway, I will miss the missionaries here, but I am so thankful that I will possibly see them around the mission again! I am so happy that I can finish my service here in the Arizona Tucson Mission. God loves each and every one of us, and that is why He has an individual plan for each of us. I know He sent me here, in my OWN STATE, a couple hours away from home, for a reason. So now I can confidently respond to everyone's original joke, YES, I was "Surprised" when I opened my call. But I couldn't be happier.
This Gospel is so true. Have a great week! I love you all!
Sister Inman

We went to say goodbye to the Stacey's and they didn't want to risk texting it to you haha. So here they are!
Caption: We said goodbye to the Stacey's, and she gave us Valentine's attire!

Jaden and Me

Part of the game of King of the Court, before I joined

Those mountains are in Mexico. We were 2-3 miles from the border.

Driving through Palominas

Snowing today.

Seriously, I'm going to miss this.

L to R: Jaden, Me, Yvonne, Zoey, and Doc is the dog.